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My Life On Planes

Always Traveling

  • Writer's picturecharlienyc1234

Best Long-Haul Business Class Flight

Updated: Jun 29, 2019

I am 12 years-old and I love to travel. I have flown to many places around the world. Some of these places have been Japan, Spain, Italy, France, England, Peru, Morocco, and many other destinations. My dad is a frequent flyer of American Airlines and because of this, we get upgrades to business class on a lot of these flights. I love all of the American Airlines business class flights that we have taken, but my favorite one was the 777-200 from NRT to JFK. I loved this flight for so many reasons. The crew was super nice and caring for all of the passengers on the flight. Although I was bummed about having to leave such a nice vacation in Japan, my mood was changed in a good way when I got on the plane. There was a flight attendant who made me feel like he was my own private butler! I am a very picky eater and when I asked if there was anything that I would like to eat, he told me he was also very picky. He gave me a soup that I liked! No seaweed! Then he also made me kids chopsticks as a souvenir of the greatest flight I have ever taken! Although the crew on the flight did make the flight a much better experience then I could ever imagine, it wasn't the only thing that made me very happy. The seat was very comfy and I slept about 10 hours out of a 11 hour flight! I slept like a baby! All in all, this American Airlines flight was the greatest airplane experience I have ever had!

10 Year-old me!

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