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My Life On Planes

Always Traveling

  • Writer's picturecharlienyc1234

5 Types Of Passengers Flight Attendants HATE

Updated: Aug 29, 2019

When it comes to travel, flight attendants might have very little patience for all of those passengers who are giving them a tough time. But what are these types of passengers? Keep reading to find out!

#5 - The "School Trip"

Sometimes schools might treat their students to a fun and possibly relaxing day somewhere in the world, but sometimes those places can only be reached via a plane. You can probably imagine the regret the flight attendants on that same flight must feel about leaving their house that morning! When it comes to kids, they might be loud, obnoxious, rude, and annoying to the other passengers and the flight attendants on that flight. Think of that multiplied by a whole grade! I'm sorry flight attendants on that plane, but you guys are in for a bumpy ride!

#4 - The Baby

Baby's', as you know, tend to cry a lot. This might mean in the house, car, train, and yes... planes. Usually this is not a big deal when flying, and flight attendants couldn't really care. But when a flight attendant see's that the parent is not doing anything about it, especially if the baby is really loud, that's when they get very annoyed. Another thing that flight attendants hate even more than this is when their is a crying baby in first or business class. The point of flying in these classes on an airplane is to sleep and relax in comfort, but when their is a baby crying loudly, the experience is ruined. Because of this, flight attendants get very annoyed. This is mainly because they want to keep the luxury travelers happy and comfortable.

#3 - The Obnoxious First Class Travelers

Speaking from experience, there are times that I get on a plane and I am walking back to the rear end of the plane. But in order to do that, I need to walk by first class. Even for the minute that I am in the first class cabin, there is always that person that gives me the stink eye or has a rude look towards me. Imagine that but for the entire flight! This is what the first class flight attendants have to go through on a weekly basis. Some examples of this would be when the flight attendant comes over to the person's seat and asks them what they want to eat. The obnoxious traveler would usually order and talk to them in a rude and sometimes annoying tone. That traveler would say things like "Get me this," or "I want that now." After a while, flight attendants will get really annoyed by this and it will not make there flight that great.

#2 - Bothering the Other Passengers

The 2 things that flight attendants want for all passengers is safety and comfort. For almost all flights, passengers get where they want to go safely, which is all of the cabin crews' first priority. But when it comes to the comfort of the passengers mainly seated in coach, this is a different story. Some of flight attendants biggest pet peeves are when people, mainly kids, kick the seat in front of them. Another thing flight attendants hate are the overly talkative and loud passengers. Obviously it is fine to talk on planes, but when a flight attendant sees one passenger talking too much to another passenger who looks like he/she is not interested, then they get annoyed. Although these are things flight attendants do hate a lot, there is one thing that makes flight attendants want to leave the plane and never come back...

#1 - The First Class Dad

The #1 thing that flight attendants HATE has to be the first class dads'. It is completely fine when someone sits in first class because they either pay a lot of money or it's for work. But when a flight attendant sees a mom or dad in first class and then goes to the coach cabin and sees rest of that family there, they want to scream. This is especially annoying for flight attendants when that family is on a trip for vacation, because it is a different story when the mom or dad is going on a work trip and they receive a first class ticket from there work. They would actually have a reason for sitting in first class, but when it is a trip for vacation, there will be one mad flight attendant on that plane!

Mad Flight Attendant!
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